Organic Spray Tanning ONLY Lashful in Paramus
provides this service
​​Lashful uses Norvell® Organic tanning forumlas to provide our clients with a beautiful bronze natural glow. Every session will result in a fast-drying, non-sticky and streak-free tan that is customized according to the clients desired shade and color.

The use of natural ingredients ensures your skin is not exposed to harsh chemicals that also provides a healthy treatment that builds and restores your skin.
Clients can expect 5-7 days of gorgeous "just off the beach" color with proper maintenance.

24 hours prior to your tanning appointment it is important to exfoliate to clear away dead skin cells along with any waxing or shaving that must be done. On the day of your appointment do not apply anything to the skin such as lotion or make up.

Full Body................$50 *We highly recommend Package of 3..........$120
Face & Neck...........$20 the purchase of our Package of 5...........$200
Leg.........................$25 packages to maintain your beautiful glow*